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Data Loss and How to Protect Yourself In House and In The Cloud

by Blog, Uncategorized

Picture this. You spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars implementing a cloud solution to your network. Your team meticulously catalogs and backs up your data to the cloud. It’s working well, but you are still experiencing data loss. It is frustrating, as everyone has told you the cloud is the be all end all for backing up your data. There is some truth to

that. When you move your data to the cloud, it’s not backed up to a single server, but multiple servers around the globe, which does greatly reduce the risk for data loss. However, there are a few ways that your business can lose data in the cloud, as well as a few practices you can follow to ensure these losses are a minimal occurrence, and not a daily headache for your IT department and your business.


The cloud isn’t perfect technology. That is because there is no such thing as perfect when it comes to technology. These are ever-evolving platform and they are of course run by people. This brings us to the first problem, human error. We have all been there, you open a file, make edits, and forget to save your work. You open an email, click a link or an attachment, and before you know it, your data is corrupted, or you accidently save changes to a document that should not have been altered. We are human, and we all make

mistakes, and sometimes, those mistakes can lead to data loss.


Another issue that can lead to cloud data loss is third party apps. When some of these subscription apps update, they change format, which can affect your data. Data can also potentially be overwritten, such as if an update is occurring and a new file that is named the same thing as an old file, the old file will automatically be overwritten. This could also occur with entire folders.


The final way a data loss can occur is malicious activity. As you know, cyber-crime is on the rise, and cyber-villains are looking for anyway they can find to steal data, install ransomware, and engage in other malicious activity. Obviously, these actors can install software or use other methods to wipe out your data, regardless of your server if you happen to be a target. Remember, there is no such thing as an immunity to hackers, but there are always ways to protect yourself, some we have outlined in previous blogs,

and others we are going to show you now.


Due to it’s vast nature and multiple servers, the cloud is perhaps the most secure way to store your data, back-up your files, and run your network. However, you do have to make sure you take care of your network the same way you would your body. Just like you may have a daily routine for hygiene, exercise, diet, and relaxation, you should also have a routine for keeping your data safe no matter where it is and no matter what happens.

THE 3-2-1 Strategy

3-2-1 isn’t just for starting a race or blasting off anymore. In this case the 3-2-1 strategy is a great way to ensure that even if one method of storage fails, you are backed up. All data should have 3 copies, one original and two copies, on two different devices, with one off-site storage system. Therefore, it’s called the 3-2-1 rule.


While it seems obvious, backing up your data frequently is the best way to ensure that you have minimal headaches and minimal data loss. Make sure you have your auto-save feature enabled for any projects you or your team are currently working on. Utilize the 3-2-1 rule and make sure you have copies, and copies of your copies, stored safely and where authorized users can easily access them. Figure out which data is updated the most, and make sure they are the ones being backed up with a higher frequency. Use multiple methods

of back-up, both cloud and onsite hardware, as different backups work best for different type of data. There is no such thing as backing up your data to much, as it is better to be safe than sorry. That brings us to our next point…


Earlier, we mentioned that your files should be easy to distinguish. That was meant for those with internal access to your files. What about external access, which could be anyone, authorized or unauthorized. You want to make sure that you encrypt all files you back up. This will require authorized users to provide an encryption key to see said files. You want your account to be able to easily legible to say, your accountant, by having the file clearly labeled “Q3 2020 Financials”, but not to external operators who may be trying

to illegally obtain your data. Just like a burglar is going to look for houses with open windows and without security systems, hackers are looking the path of least resistance. If you have your data properly encrypted, the chances of having an outside force corrupt your data drastically decreases.


Who you choose as your internet service provider and your managed service provider can make all the difference. You want to know what they offer, down to the details of every feature, and if they put limitations on backups or maintain a backup schedule that differs from your own. A proper MSP such as Delval Technology Solutions will advise you on the schedule, on your hardware and software you are using for backups, handle your cyber-security needs and work with you to create a disaster recovery plan in case of an emergency.

Your data is perhaps your businesses most asset. System outages happen, breaches happen, accidents happen, but how you back up your data can mean the difference between a minor hiccup and a catastrophe causing productivity and financial losses. Cloud storage is a fantastic way to back up your data, but it shouldn’t be the only way you back up your data. Do not rely on automation alone, be sure to have multiple systems in place to back up your data, and protocol in place such as a back up schedule and a disaster recovery

plan. These things, along with the tips will surely save you time, money and headaches.