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Beyond Backup: Why Choose The Cloud?

by Blog

Cloud computing has gone from a niche part of IT into the norm for most companies over the past couple of years. It’s become common

knowledge that for backing up information without having to spend money on costly hardware, the cloud is the way to go. However, back-ups are not the only benefits of moving your network to the cloud. Accessibility, portability, and scalability are all benefits as well that can save your business time and money and help you raise the bar for your business….into the cloud.

Let’s start with the integration. In the past, setting up a new server, linking it, installing software, and everything that went with it took days. This meant downtime, manpower being shifted from their usual jobs to helping install and implement the network. With the cloud those days become hours, if not minutes. The cloud offers seamless integration and back up. This means that integration is merely a matter of proper synching and uploading

which can be done easily by an experienced team such as Delval Technology Solutions, while your team works on the things that they need to for your enterprise. What’s more, your software will be integrated as you need it to be, no more having to start from scratch and customize it to your needs. It goes to the cloud just how it exists on your current terminals.

The cloud also makes it easier for your business to grow. Cloud servers have the capabilities for near unlimited storage. If your enterprise takes on more clients, backs up more files, or adds additional projects or employees, the room is easily made without adding extra hardware. What used to take new

computers, hours of setup, and multiple consultations now occurs in just a few clicks, at a fraction of the cost. If you add new users remotely, or in house,

as long as they have internet service and proper credentials, they can access your network quickly and efficiently. For your workers who are collaborating, it can be an issue sending larger files to one another without having to take extra compression steps, which can degrade images and video. However, with the cloud, sending these files is as easy as dropping something into a shared file.

The cloud also offers enhanced security. Now, this may seem counter intuitive. You would think that a process that makes your network more accessible

to your employees would also make it more accessible to hackers. However, this is not the case. A top-class cloud provider, like the folks at Delval

Technology Solutions, will employ someone whose entire job is to make sure that the cloud is secure. They are tasked with monitoring the goings on in the cloud in real time and are security experts. This is not to say that your in-house IT personnel doesn’t know their stuff, but they have a variety of things to focus on. Another thing that adds to the security of the cloud is the encryption associated. For your data to reach the cloud it must first be encrypted. This encryption only deciphers itself when properly accessed. What does this mean for your business? You don’t have to worry about your data floating around cyber-space, as even if it does get out, it will be illegible to anyone trying to read it.

The cloud is also more affordable in the long run. With cloud services you get access to things like subscription versions of the latest software which are easily scalable and available for a fraction of the cost. In fact, adding anything from software, to terminals, to necessary storage is more cost effective in the cloud. This is because you are leveraging cost. The cloud is basically a massive, shared server. Therefore, you are basically getting a wholesale price on data, storage, and software. Why the cloud? Well, it seems the question in this case would be why not? Whether you are looking to scale up, migrate your employees, back up your data, or save money, the cloud is a perfect solution to your data needs. When you partner with a top notch cloud service provider like Delval Technology Solutions, the cloud isn’t merely a thing you look at in the sky, it’s the technology that makes the sky the limit for your business.