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Threats To Look Out For in 2021

Threats To Look Out For in 2021

2020 and the Covid pandemic not only changed the way a lot of companies do business, but it also changed the way hackers attack those businesses. Last year, cyber attacks were up over 200 percent, and this trend shows no signs of letting up. More people are working...
The In’s and Out’s of PCI Compliance

The In’s and Out’s of PCI Compliance

Paul runs a distribution company. They package, send, and deliver orders all over the area, and most of the transactions they deal with are electronic. Their servers are teeming with data from these transactions, including bank account and credit card numbers. Two...
Is it Time To Break Up With Your In-House IT?

Is it Time To Break Up With Your In-House IT?

The world of business changes at a pace that is unmatched. In the past year we have seen companies move from an office-based workflow to a work from home model. Software that used to have to be purchased yearly every time it updated has been replaced by subscription...