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How an MSP Can Help You Grow

by Blog

Tom owns a small financial firm. Over the last few years, Tom and is firm have been making money for their clients. So much in fact, that their

clients are bringing in new clients. He made those clients money, and word ontinued to spread. He had a realization that he was faced with a choice. Did

he stop taking on new clients or accept that he had to take his small firm to he next level. Tom, like many, chose the latter. However, he had a lot of

concerns. One of which was if his current technology was equipped for the job.

Tom isn’t a tech expert and as handling things on his own for the most part, which was fine when he only ad a 3 man team. As they get ready to expand, he realized that wouldn’t be sufficient any longer. He knew he needed a partner who could handle those things for him, so he could focus on his client and his business, so he called on an MSP. Growing isn’t easy, and a great MSP like Delval Technology Solutions can alleviate some of those growing pains.

Time management is important to any business owner. An MSP can save you valuable time during the growth process. It allows you to have a team of experts behind you, taking the guesswork out of what hardware and software would be the best fit to grow you business. They can also help you add users quickly and not only advise you on the proper tech steps to take, but also implement needed changes in an efficient manner. With an MSP, you have a team with up to date knowledge and resources at their disposal, which brings us to the next point.

Tom is a financial expert. He always had an affinity for numbers and trends, and took great joy in helping his clients reach their financial goals. While technically proficient, he is not by any means an expert and he’s smart enough to know that. He is concerned with keeping his network secure and his company within the bounds of regulation. By partnering with an MSP, he got his expert guidance. They handle his network, making sure his team’s questions are handled in a timely matter, hat his servers are optimized, and that his team can work from anywhere at any time. Tom’s peice of mind comes from knowing that his network isn’t just managed it’s secure. A great MSP, such as Delval Technology Solutions treats cyber security for what it is, a living breathing thing that needs to outpace the criminals. Tom has his network monitored, and the Dark Web combed for data on a monthly basis. They also train his staff on cyber security, making sure everyone on his growing team was prepared to aid in the fight against cyber crime.

An MSP will also handle compliance. Each industry is subject to a series of laws in regards to their network practices. Not only do these laws vary by state in many instances they are constantly amended on top of new ones being added. It can be confusing to stay up to date on these laws

and the penalty for not adhering to the guidelines can cost your company thousands if not millions of dollars.  With an MSP you have a team who is on top of the compliance issues and makes sure someone like Tom is within regulation.


This brings us to the final point, and it’s a matter of cost. Adding

IT personnel into your staff is a costly endeavor. Each member of the team will

cost you between $80,000-100,000 a year. Depending on your company needs, one

IT staff member most likely isn’t enough. What if you needed to add an IT executive?

A qualified CIO will run you almost $200,000 a year and requires you to relinquish

some control to them. Tom needed to add more advisors, more accountants, a new

secretary and that was just the beginning. He knew an MSP would give him the

expertise and backup he needed without having to drop hundreds of thousands of

dollars on a full scale IT team. In fact, his yearly contract with an MSP is

under the cost of a single IT person for his team.


The choice for Tom was an easy one. He signed a contract with an

MSP that would be able to fufiill his needs. He did his due diligence, as not

all MSP’s are created equal. Tom found one that treated him like a partner,

ready to work with him to grow his enterprise, instead of as a client. He found

Delval Technology Solutions, and he was glad he did. Now, he was ready to do

what he did best, making money for his clients, without having to worry about

his IT. Be like Tom, contact the DTS team today!

Our Managed IT Services 

At Delval Technology Solutions, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the needs of small to mid-sized businesses. Our Managed IT Services include proactive tech management, network and server monitoring, IT helpdesk support, and data backup and recovery. We also provide Managed Security Services like awareness training, risk management, endpoint security, dark web protection, and security risk assessments. Additionally, we assist with IT Compliance Solutions to ensure your business meets industry standards and regulations.

How Can We Help You or Your Organization?

Managed Services Providers play a vital role in helping SMBs navigate the complexities of modern technology. By outsourcing IT services to an MSP, businesses can focus on their core operations, reduce costs, and enhance their overall efficiency.

Get in touch with us to discuss your IT and Compliance needs. We will answer any questions you have and provide you valuable information about your current IT environment. Message us on our Contact Page here or call us at (267) 459-8100.