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Why You Can’t Skip on a Disaster Recovery Plan

by Blog

You’ve seen the headlines. You know the risk of cyber breaches. You’ve seen the effects of natural disasters. So, what’s holding you back from protecting your company? The solution is simple – a disaster recovery solution protects you from the inevitable, yet many companies fail to implement them. Why? Because they don’t think a disaster will happen to them. It’s time for companies to get their heads out of the sand and realize the real risk involved in not having a disaster recovery plan. Here are the top four disasters companies face every year.

The “it won’t happen to me” mentality won’t protect you – let’s make a plan. Contact us today.

Machines and Hardware Fail

No matter how new or innovative your technology is, all forms of technology have a lifespan, and hardware failure is bound to happen. According to a study conducted by Backblaze, the average lifespan of a hard drive is only four years. A comprehensive disaster recovery plan not only means backing up your data, but it also incorporates asset management to inventory and track your hardware’s lifespan to ensure a failure doesn’t interrupt your service or cause data loss.

Mistakes Happen, Nobody’s Perfect

Human error comes in many forms, from accidentally deleting a major file on the server and clicking on malicious email links to spilling coffee on a machine – nobody’s perfect, and human error is bound to happen. In fact, 47 percent of major IT incidents in small and medium businesses were caused by human error. A disaster recovery plan can make sure your data is backed up and protected as well as ensure firewalls and antivirus is up to date.

Customers Have High Expectations

In today’s competitive world, customer service can be the deciding factor of why someone would do business with you over another. You can’t let them down because it’d be too easy for them to take their business elsewhere and regaining their trust and confidence once you’ve lost them can be nearly impossible. A disaster recovery plan can keep the relationship between you and your customers strong with little to no gaps in service in the event that a disaster happens.

You’re Only as Strong as Your Weakest Link

No business is completely immune to disasters but having a plan in place today will help you tomorrow. Why would you even risk it? Having a plan and redundancies to protect your data will protect your people and your business. Even in your worst-case scenario, your disaster recovery plan will keep you protected from data loss and minimize downtime.Disasters are bound to happen – and we can help. Our disaster recovery experts are here to give you the support and knowledge you need to protect your people and your business. Contact us today to learn more and get started.

Delval Technology Solutions is a managed services provider focused on small to mid-sized businesses that range in size from five to 200 plus employees. We proudly serve Bucks, Montgomery and Lehigh counties.

Our Managed IT Services 

At Delval Technology Solutions, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the needs of small to mid-sized businesses. Our Managed IT Services include proactive tech management, network and server monitoring, IT helpdesk support, and data backup and recovery. We also provide Managed Security Services like awareness training, risk management, endpoint security, dark web protection, and security risk assessments. Additionally, we assist with IT Compliance Solutions to ensure your business meets industry standards and regulations.

How Can We Help You or Your Organization?

Managed Services Providers play a vital role in helping SMBs navigate the complexities of modern technology. By outsourcing IT services to an MSP, businesses can focus on their core operations, reduce costs, and enhance their overall efficiency.

Get in touch with us to discuss your IT and Compliance needs. We will answer any questions you have and provide you valuable information about your current IT environment. Message us on our Contact Page here or call us at (267) 459-8100.